Backlight cm 20x30oil on canvas, it is part of the pictorial cycle of the bathers by Claudio Malacarne , a great artist in post-impressionist figurative contemporary art. his remarkable pictorial ability of over 40 years, stands out above all for the oil technique that he has always used, to give softness, light and movement in all his canvases. His source of inspiration is the great Valencian artist Joachin Pessoa, an internationally prominent character since the early 1900s, especially in America in the impressionist current. Claudio Malacarne is represented by prestigious galleries both in Italy and abroad
Backlight cm 20x30oil on canvas, it is part of the pictorial cycle of the bathers by Claudio Malacarne , a great artist in post-impressionist figurative contemporary art. his remarkable pictorial ability of over 40 years, stands out above all for the oil technique that he has always used, to give softness, light and movement in all his canvases. His source of inspiration is the great Valencian artist Joachin Pessoa, an internationally prominent character since the early 1900s, especially in America in the impressionist current. Claudio Malacarne is represented by prestigious galleries both in Italy and abroad
Claudio Malacarne
Claudio Malacarne was born in 1956 and from an early age he dedicated himself to art, painting and drawing. His works of art take shape as an "existential urgency" since the 1980s with a post-impressionist training in the atelier of the master Enrico Longfils. The artistic lesson of Van Gogh, Gauguin, Bonnard and Matisse, immediately takes hold in his painting with a painting that is always “plein lumière”. Loved by audiences and critics from the very beginning, Claudio Malacarne 's career spans over forty years of oil painting full of colors and shades. A painting that lives on light and shadows, which makes the lights that rest on the oil canvases bounce off leaves and ponds.
The pictorial work of Claudio Malacarne have a history, which unwinds in a series of pictorial cycles loved by the art world. It is a path that maintains consistency with the painter's artistic formality. To remember, in Malacarne's artistic career, the works on the Jazz Concert, belonging to the period between 2003 and 2008, and the cycle of animals of the Polyptych in 2007. During this journey, the artist's painting continues to exude the unbridgeable existential gap that his works live between a hyperuranium ideal made of thought, dialectics, lights, theoretics and a world made of gushing colors, energy, passion, which emerge from this tireless conflict between opposites.
In Malacarne's oil paintings, bathers and swimmers, the flagship of his production, are inserted during his painting career. We are faced with a mature and conscious artistic path, here the Italian artist heir to Matisse decides to come to terms with the physicality of the human figure, experimenting with color with the material games of lights and shadows that fall on the reflections of water. . Not a point of arrival, but a mature and conscious creation still in the making. The bathers allow the observer to become a hidden spectator of sultry summer afternoons and study in depth points of light, luminous refractions and matter.
The number of solo and group exhibitions around the world and the collaborations with Italian and international galleries are endless. His works have been exhibited on numerous occasions in Innsbruck, Tokyo, Heidenberg, Paris, Vienna, Bologna, Turin, the Caribbean, Milan, New York and in many other locations around the world. Recently, his personal exhibitions in Rome, at the Chiostro del Bramante, in Spoleto, at the Palazzo Collicola Arti Visive Museum, and at Artbreit in Germany are to be remembered.